Spoiled Children of Divorce

Adverse Childhood Experiences and Overuse of Social Media

According to a study reviewed in The American Journal of Preventative Medicine (VOLUME 60, ISSUE 4, P462-470, APRIL 01, 2021), children age 6 – 17 are three times more likely to suffer from overuse of digital media if they have an ACE Score of more than 4. Having good parents mitigates the problem.

That means that Children of Divorce are more vulnerable because they are much more likely to have at least one parent who is neglecting them.

Also means that they can get high paying jobs in the tech industry without going to college because they will have so much more practice than their peers. I also remember the little rash of teenage girls a while back who committed suicide after being raped at a party and cyber bullied with photos of the incident afterward.


There are 9 (or 10) factors included in the ACE study. Maybe I’m wrong but I don’t think that “Divorce” was counted in the original study. Rather death or disappearance of a parent was a factor. Each factor counts as one point:

There are 10 types of childhood trauma measured in the CDC-Kaiser Permanente Adverse Childhood Experiences Study. (There are many others…see below.) Five are personal — physical abuse, verbal abuse, sexual abuse, physical neglect, and emotional neglect. Five are related to other family members: a parent who’s an alcoholic, a mother who’s a victim of domestic violence, a family member in jail, a family member diagnosed with a mental illness, and experiencing divorce of parents.


The ACE Study was first performed by a Kaiser Doctor who worked with overweight patients and noticed a trend of childhood trauma in his patients. There is a link between childhood trauma and chronic illness later in life.

“Being Flynn”

A couple of months ago I saw a really incredible but disturbing movie called Being Flynn.  It’s based on the real life story of a son who works in a homeless shelter and reconnects with his Father who comes in for help.  Robert DeNiro plays the Father and Julianne Moore plays the Mother.  Paul Dano plays the son.   Don’t know what he looks like in other roles but here he actually looks like someone who comes from divorce.  His posture, his attitude.  I stated before that I think that people from divorce generally have much different personalities from people who aren’t from divorce but never really thought that I attribute a certain type of physical look.

The original book on which the movie based is written by Nick Flynn and was originally titled Another Bullshit Night in Suck City.  Sorry, I’m very behind on my reading.  Flynn’s Mother committed suicide so his early life was extremely difficult.  Did I find his birth date?  Probably.  The astrology will be pretty interesting, if not beyond understanding.

Interesting website for the movie here.  Although this is a great movie I don’t recommend seeing it if you’re going through a difficult phase and especially if you’ve ever had to deal with suicide or homelessness or have known anyone who has.

Oh yeah, although I haven’t finished it, I really like the style of Flynn’s writing.