Spoiled Children of Divorce

Exemplary Children of Divorce – Writer James Ellroy

Here’s an article written by James Ellroy about trying to find his Mother’s killer. He also writes about being a Child of Divorce.

GQ (July 9, 2007):  “My Mother’s Killer.”

I think I’ve already written about Ellroy because I read his book. Sorry I’m too lazy to remember the title. He explains being a part of the Divorce boom of the 1950’s in California. Have met another man, a vacuum cleaner salesman, whose Mother was murdered by her date out in Las Vegas. I spent about 3 hours listening to his story. This was a while ago.

Mother’s Day

Yesterday was Mother’s Day.  I meant to hunt down some articles but since there usually aren’t any that focus on divorce I let it go.  Did hear part of an interview on the radio.  Barbara Simpson interviews a rich woman on how to raise kids as a divorced parent.  It seemed like good advice.

Just read an article at Salon.com called “How I Met My Mother” by Taffy Brodesser-Akner.  The writer talks about how she and her Mother didn’t get along and that she didn’t understand or appreciate her Mother’s screaming until after the birth of her second son.  She says that her parents divorced when she was a child.  I can’t tell what age, it would have been maybe around Age 9 because she says they were married 10 years.  She says she was a difficult child and her Mother was a screamer.  She lived with her Father for a year at some point because of the tension in her relationship with her Mother.  And she is now also a screamer Mother.

Comments are interesting.  Someone said that her Mother was a screamer until the divorce and then was calm.  Another person gave the writer some possibly psychiatric diagnoses for both her and her Mother.  Turns out her Mother had a heart condition which might be a reason for the screaming.  There might be heart medications now that will help.

It’s just interesting to me how people discuss divorce, or don’t discuss it.  They will discuss all other levels of chaos and crises.  It’s like no one has the words to discuss it.  Oh well, on Mother’s Day you don’t really want to rock the boat anyway.